Thursday, February 22, 2018

Top 100 Friendship Status in English for Whatsapp & Facebook

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Top 100 Friendship Status in English for Whatsapp

Top 100 Friendship Status in English for Whatsapp & Facebook

801. If I die today, or even tomorrow I will have no regrets if you tell me you are my friend.

802. Life will change from classroom to office, jeans to formals, books to files, pocket money to salary, what will never change is friendship. Let it be forever!

803. Friendship is all about three things winning, losing and sharing. Winning your friends heart, losing yourself ego, and sharing joys and sorrows.

804. A friend is one special person who can pull out a happy tear from your eye. Even if you do not have tears to cry!

805. Do not ever think that you can live without friend. Friend is the best thing in the world!

806. Read it carefully and get meaning! Minimum love is friendship. But maximum friendship is love strange but true!

807. Love is a small coin life is a big coin lover is a sweet coin but friendship is gold coin.

808. I might run out of cute graphics to send you, but ill never run out of this: care for you.

809. Friendship is a warm feeling which comes from the inner core of the heart it cannot be buy or sell!

810. A poor man says work is life. A rich man says money is life. A lover says love is life but. I say my idiot friends are my life.

811. Friendship requires little effort even when friends are busy with their own lives, a simple sms reminds each other that you are not forgotten!

812. Friendship is a mercury drop. If it is dropped. Impossible to recollect. So do not drop your friends!

813. A good friend finds it harder to hold a pencil than to hold a grudge!

814. I know you hate me, but the day when you will know the truth, you will hate yourself!

815. When you quarrel with your best friend and tell I hate you. You can hear their heart saying good joke. When you tell them to leave me alone you can find near you.

816. A loving smile a heart of gold your dearest person this world can hold though heart fails life departs you will live as a friend forever.

817. Do you think, that anyone can live without friends. It is impossible. Because friends are the inseparable part of our life!

818. Never love a friend who hurts you never hurt a friend who loves you sacrifice everything for a friend who care for you.

819. I want to true friend, to whom I can share my every problem, I can share my every happy moment anyone interested than call me.

820. Square has 4 ends triangle has 3 ends line has to ends life has one end but our friendship has no end!

821. If friends were flowers I would not pick you! I will let you grow in the garden and cultivate you with love and care so I can keep you as a friend forever.

822. The best cosmetic for the lips is truth, for the voice is prayers, for the eyes is pity, for the hands is charity and for the life is friendship

823. The one and only time, I hated the word ‘fare I e and the s’ Is when she said let us be only ‘fare I e and the s’!

824. Golden rules to feel happy: meet a friend, call a friend, talk to your friend, hug a friend, and love a friend.

825. Friends are like fishes we have to keep long patience to catch them. So, it is better to stay nice, otherwise I will fry you.

826. Two of my friends were arguing as who is dear to me. I was smiling silently thinking of you.

827. Life is a heart attack. Love is a medicine. Lover is a treatment. But, friend is a doctor. How are you? My lovable doctor.

828. Love is DoCoMo, do the new. Marriage is idea can change your life, wife is Hutch, where ever you go she follows but friendship is Airtel one express yourself.

829. Two things are important in our life. Friend friendship first one, you should make. Second one, you should keep.

830. Friends are the sibling’s god forgot to give us.

831. A good friend is a connection to life a tie to past a road to future the key to sanity in a totally insane world.

832. Fan is changed to ac radio is changed to TV cassette to CD lover to wife but, do you know any option to change a friend.

833. Love a set of heart attraction a set of style marriage a set of life but friendship a set of you!

834. Word of true friend: I would conquer the whole world with just one hand, if you are holding the other hand.

835. A loving smile and a heart of gold your dearest person this world can hold though heart fails and  life departs you will live as a friend forever in my heart.

836. Somebody asked me to explain the relationship between you and me, they expected the answer as, just friends. But I simply smiled and said. God’s gift.

837. Your best friends are going to hurt you every once in a while, you must forgive them for that.

838. I may never get the chance to win the lottery. I may never get the chance to go on vacation. But I have the chance to be your friend, that chance I will take!

839. The one who likes you most, sometimes hurts you, but again he is the only one who feels your pain.

840. God never wanted us to face the tough times alone! That is y god made us friends.

841. If you need a friend and there are a 100 steps bet when us, you can take the 1st step to get near me and I will take all 99 steps to be there for you.

842. Sound become music, movement becomes dance, smile becomes laughter and life becomes celebration. When old friend keep in touch.

843. A loving memory of your smiling face, a friend like you can never replace, deep in my heart you will always stay, truly remembered ever!

844. Our paths may change as life goes along, but the bond between friends remains ever strong!

845. Friends are like streets lights, they do not shorten the distance but they make the path worth a walk. I treasure you my friend.

846. A friend is someone who smile when you smile, laugh when you laugh, but hold your hand when you cry!

847. Everything happens for a purpose our friendship was not an accident, god wanted me to get the best but, unfortunately you got the best.

848. When people see my messages, they think I am addicted to messaging. They are wrong because they do not know that I am addicted. To my sweet friends.

849. Life is the art of drawing. Without an eraser!

850. If care is a wave, I give you sea. Leaf. If trust is a planet, I give you galaxy, if friendship is life, I give you mine for free. Keep smiling friend.

851. A good way to differentiate love and friendship without you I cannot live is love you must live, I am with you is friendship.

852. One day I may die without saying good bye to you but I will never forget to say thank you because you have given me one of loveliest friendship.

853. If we had not spoken to strangers, we would not have had any friends in life at all. Amazing but true.

854. 6 rules to be happy free your heart from hatred free your mind from worries live simply expect less give more and always have me as your friend.

855. Whoever says Friendship is easy has obviously never had a true friend!

856. Show me a genuine case of platonic friendship, and I shall show you two old or homely faces.   

857. My mother used to say that there are no strangers, only friends you have not met yet. She's now in a maximum security twilight home in Australia

858. Great friends are part of memories, which time can never erase when life is blessed with friend like you sweeter memories still remain.

859. Sign of a true friend he always see the pain behind your eyes at that time when everyone says man you smile a lot.

860. Heart never hate blood! Flower never hate honey! My heart never hate you and your friendship.

861. A friendship is a see deep like ocean, high like sky, kind like mother, strong like iron, cute like tum and sweet like hum.

862. If you live to be a hundred I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.

863. Do you think, that anyone can live without friends? It is impossible. Because friends are the inseparable part of our life.

864. Friends are like melons. Shall I tell you why? To find one good. You must a hundred try.

865. Love is not only made for lovers. It is also made 4 true friends. A true friend can love more than a lover.

866. Great day that everybody believes that this friendship is everlasting than any other relationship.

867. Friendship is an incurable diseases which will finish after the death.

868.  If you never had friends you never lived life.

869. To be a best friend does not take much, a shoulder, an ear, some understanding, and not even have to say a word to make you smile.

870. Nice friendship is like breathing air, you will never see it but you will always feel it is presence.

871. Making a millions friends is not a miracle. The miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you.

872. Water may dry, flowers may die. But the true friends never say goodbye.

873. We did not realise we were making memories we were just having fun.

874. Friends that do not accept you for who you are, are not really your friends. Your True friend will never try to change you.

875. Choose your friends carefully, you reveal your character, not only by the company you keep but the company you avoid.

876. The Joy of a true friendship is a joy that last forever, thank you for adding such a joy in my life.

877. True love is finding your soul mate in your best friend

878. Friends are someone who knows the songs of your heart and sing it back when you have forgotten the words.

879. No matter how serious life gets, you would still have that one person with whom you can be completely stupid.

880. A friend will strengthen you with his prayers, bless you with his love and encourage you with his hope.

881. Everyone need a good friends but there are only few who wants good for their friends.

882. A candle can keep a room a glow with light but a true friend like you make all my days bright.

883. My friends are the craziest and weirdest people I have ever known but I still love them.

884. Friendship is not about who you have known the longest, it is about who came and never left your side.

885. To love without condition, to talk without intention, to give without reason, and to care without expectation this is the heart of a TRUE FRIEND.

886. Best Friends are like four leaf clovers. Hard to find but lucky to have.

887. Love + care = Mom Love + Fear = Dad Love + Help = Sister Love + Fight = Brother Love + Life = Wife/Husband Love + Care + Fear + Help + Fight + Life = Friend

888. Respect people who find time for you in their busy schedule But LOVE people who never look at their schedule when you need them.

889. Remember when someone walks away for you, it is not the end of your story. It is the end of their character's role in your story.

890. Cut of FAKE people for real reasons, not real people for FAKE reasons.

891. Instead of judging people by their past, stand by them and help repair their future.

892. Sometimes People do not Notice the Things We Do for Them until We Stop Doing Them.

893. I am really thankful that you are a part of my life. You will be always special to me. You are my best friend forever.

894. Wherever we are it’s our friends who make the place beautiful and Comfortable to us.

895. Friendship is like standing on wet cement. The longer you stay, the harder it’s to leave, and you can never go without leaving your footprints behind.

896. Life is so much funnier when you have a dirty mind and sweet Friends.

897. A simple friend thinks the friendship over when you have an argument. A real friend knows that it’s not a friendship until after you’ve had a fight.

898. Friendship is the golden thread that ties all hearts together.

899. A Friend is someone who thinks you are a good egg even though you are slightly cracked!

900. Friendship: a building contract you sign with laughter and break with tears.

Top 100 Friendship Status in English for Whatsapp

Related Tags: Friendship Status, Friendship Images, Friendship Quotes, Friendship Shayari, Friendship Wallpapers, Friendship Messages, Friendship Thoughts, Friendship SMS.

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